Characters We Work With – What’s Happening

The Careereon Blogging Team
May 22, 2024

Characters from “What’s Happening” We All Work With


Throughout our career, we remember fondly with appreciation those stops that we found comfort, security, and camaraderie thanks to working alongside good people who put the team above their own needs and goals. The hit 70s TV Show “What’s Happening“ showed us a family and circle of friends growing up in Los Angeles, working hard and always taking time to have fun, showing us that there is a balance to be had to create the formula of a fulfilling career and a happy life. Let’s dig in to this fun, unique bunch and see just how closely they line up to the Characters We Work With.

The Shirley

If we look up the term ‘Sass’ in the dictionary, there is probably a few faces we’ve known who we can picture standing out on the page. One such wise-cracking, sassy co-worker with impeccable timing we call The Shirley. Offering well-placed zingers that put whomever she may be targeting right in their place, The Shirley brings a fun spirit and outgoing personality, exuding self-confidence. The Shirley is very good at her job, although never looks like she’s hyper-focused, or moving very fast. But she always manages to get all of her work done with time to spare, able to help others who need it, while bringing the fun and sarcasm that makes her a lot of fun to work alongside each day.

The Dwayne

No business survives without its fair share of middle to good performers whom we often term our ‘Good Soldiers’ or ‘Steady Eddies’. Our Steady Eddie we call the Dwayne. The Dwayne is a very strong performer, even if not exceptional, but is greatly relied upon to get things done, and is always willing to pitch in and help wherever we need him. The Dwayne  is outgoing, but laid back, never vying for the spotlight, preferring to hang more on the sidelines and watch others entertain the troops and be the center of attention. He is a great audience, will literally ROFL at our office comedians who strategically perform anytime the Dwayne is within earshot to get maximum value for their humorous efforts. And we always know when the Dwayne has arrived each day, bursting into the office with his signature ‘Hey, Hey, Hey’!

The Mabel

Taking the role as our office Matriarch is The Mabel. Like most of the leaders we are assigned to during our career who bring that maternal approach, The Mabel knows what it takes to support a team and help them grow. She is beloved by everyone thanks to her ability to empathize and offer a shoulder to cry on, be the sounding board, or person we can vent to, knowing the Mable will never judge. Instead, she will listen, validate what people are feeling, and offer the wisdom and guidance that is always on point, and why everyone on the team appreciates The Mabel’s leadership, and keep coming back whenever they need a little TLC from The Team Mama.

The ReRun

Some of the quickest recollections we have across every career stop are the funniest moments, the pranks, and laughs, and it is often our workplace comedians who lead the way. Our funny man we call The Rerun. The Rerun has no single brand of comedy. He is an equal opportunity comedian, able to tell great jokes, will pull pranks, and happy to go slapstick style ala The Three Stooges when he sees that the pressures of business are running hot, and people need a comedic shock to the system. The Rerun will be the first one on the dancefloor to get every office party started, which never takes long for others to follow suit and turn any mundane gathering into a fun, even wild, event. He simply does what is needed whenever he thinks we need it, adding the levity, fun and a hearty, infectious laugh to the team during a busy workday. It is why we treasure our time with the Reruns we encounter in our work lives, and are among the clearest, happiest moments we enjoy reflecting on.

The Roger ‘Raj’

We all make the choice to join a new company and workgroup to move our careers along. As much as we think we have a sense of the culture of a workplace, we never truly know until we get in there and feel it out in the early days and weeks. And sometimes, that leap we take turns out to be some of the best, and most positive, decisions we ever make. The  70s Classic TV Show “What’s Happening“ shared a wide variety of personalities, many of which are reflected in the people we know. When we have the good fortune to start a new job, join a new team, and find ourselves surrounded by Hard-Workers, Wise, Supportive Leaders, Fun and Quick-Witted Co-Workers, Leaders-in-Waiting, and of course our Office Comedians, we thank our lucky stars we made such a choice, as this hit sitcom gave us another indication of how Art Imitates Life, as we see on screen those who match up well with The Characters We Work With.

We all make the choice to join a new company and workgroup to move our careers along. As much as we think we have a sense of the culture of a workplace, we never truly know until we get in there and feel it out in the early days and weeks. And sometimes, that leap we take turns out to be some of the best, and most positive, decisions we ever make. The  70s Classic TV Show “What’s Happening“ shared a wide variety of personalities, many of which are reflected in the people we know. When we have the good fortune to start a new job, join a new team, and find ourselves surrounded by Hard-Workers, Wise, Supportive Leaders, Fun and Quick-Witted Co-Workers, Leaders-in-Waiting, and of course our Office Comedians, we thank our lucky stars we made such a choice, as this hit sitcom gave us another indication of how Art Imitates Life, as we see on screen those who match up well with The Characters We Work With.

The  70s Classic “What’s Happening“ shared many of the personalities we get to know over the years of our career, and what help us get the job done, and enjoy the ride each step of the way. From the Hard-Workers, the Wise Leaders, the Quick-Witted, Those on the Rise, and the Office Comedians, we enjoyed our front row seat to this fun, close-knit bunch, we think about when we reminisce about the Characters We Work With.

Thank You for stopping by the Break Room! Check Out ‘CW3 on YouTube’, and watch the ‘Characters We Work With’ come to life. Be sure to Like & Subscribe & Get Alerts for all new CW3 Video Posts and Channel Updates!


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