Characters We Work With – The Jeffersons

The Careereon Blogging Team
October 2, 2022

Characters We Work With – The Jeffersons


The Florence Johnston

Florence is always present, whether you need her to be or not, and her timing is impeccable. If you are having a good day, she is there. Having a difficult day, she is there. And mostly, you like her being there on both occasions. She does her work proficiently, valued as a solid employee who expresses no desire to move along, nor looks for more than her fair share in return for her good work. She never seems to move too fast, which you think must translate to slow response time or missing deadlines, but it never does. She is quite sharp, knows what she needs to do and always gets her work done on time. Additionally, she has the sass and wit of a comedian, which is usually designed to put one of her superiors in his or her place when they are pulling some tantrum or powerplay. Her inability, or more likely unwillingness, to recognize and respond to people according to their title makes her beloved by co-workers while often leaving her superiors humbled.

The Mr. Bentley

Mr. Bentley does not work in your department but floats in and out when he needs something from your group. He is the nicest person around, always polite and pleasant, offering a friendly word to everyone whether he sees you once or multiple times each day. The small talk and pleasantry exchanges speak to a relationship between workplace acquaintances, although Mr. Bentley would surely call them friendships. He seems to have his head in the clouds, oblivious to anything that may be happening on your end, or what is going on around the workplace in general. Mr. Bentley visits those he needs to see, going where he needs to go, and when the mission is complete, he has gone in a bouncing flash. His timing is impeccable, as he often swings by when you are in the middle of something urgent. He either does not, or pretends not to, notice what may be going on with you and dives in with a big smile and a request, and that hopeful look he has makes you feel like you should drop everything to help him. If he were not so darn nice, it would make things a lot easier, but he is so you have no choice but to love Mr. Bentley.

The Louise ‘Weezy’

Weezy is a great employee, who gets in on time, always dressed to the nines, hair, makeup, ready to take on the day. She does her job well and is held in high esteem by her colleagues and superiors. She is a bit prone to drama, whether it is that which she brings from home or has gotten involved in office drama. Thankfully, she is seldom the cause, but a willing participant when it happens around her. Weezy can be quick to tears in the appropriate situation, whether the office breakup, co-worker losing a loved one, even a business change she deems risky can see her get emotional, even more so than those directly impacted at times. Thankfully, those instances are minimal and why in your heart you love having Weezy on the team, accepting her for her limited faults, knowing that she brings joy and an enthusiastic sense of humor to the team every day. Weezy is Great for Morale.

The Lionel Jefferson

Lionel is another strong employee, dependable and wise beyond his years with the company. He is a broad thinking employee, and one that you see either going far in the company, or perhaps venture out to start a company of his own. He has that ‘It Factor’, and entrepreneurial spirit that shines through during meetings and brainstorming sessions where everyone is focused on the first original thought, while Lionel keeps pushing out one original thought after another until he and often the group agrees that one of his ideas is the way to go. Combined with his business acumen and ability to think deeply on the fly, he has a great presence and personality about him that brings people in. All agree that Lionel is the employee to watch for the many remarkable things in store for his career.

The George Jefferson

George has risen to the higher ranks of the business. Unlike most of the executives, George does not have all of the polish and refinement of most of senior leaders. It makes sense after you learned of the blue-collar upbringing that saw him start at the bottom to simply get his foot in the door years earlier. George worked hard to make a name for himself and get ahead. After proving himself at each level, putting himself out there to do anything and everything to make a difference, he continued his ascension to where he is today. The most interesting and attractive quality of George’s is that he has stayed grounded throughout his tenure and speaks with those above and below his rank the same way. And it is not always with the appropriate language or volume, as his rough style has stayed with him from his upbringing in tough areas to the boardroom. This helps him relate better to the entry level teams than the boardroom, but both value him and his ability to connect one to the other and speak both languages fluently…even if it includes more curse words than some may like.

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